bitm07 wrote:
A new feature or two and little a tweak here and there would suffice for me. Just adding White, Black, Vibrancy and Sharpening Mask sliders to the section brush and gradient tools would be enough to persuade me to upgrade.
Worth noting: current saturation brush is a "vibrance-like" saturation - Eric Chan (member of Lr dev team) declined to go into details, but he said it's not the same as global saturation - more like global vibrance only not exactly... (personally, I'd love to see HSL added to the locals).
Eric also said we may not see too many more locals added due to design / performance limitations - but maybe they'll pull a rabbit out of their hat..
I would also love to see adjustment masking improved so painted corrections aren't so painstaking - the current auto-mask feature of the brush is barely usable in my opinion.
Regarding sharpening locals - I too would love to be able to vary not only sharpening mask but radius (and detail). Speaking of which - I think sharpness falloff lens correction would be a boon to image quality - I lump those together because an increased radius sharpening applied using a radial gradient (or better: multiple overlapping) is a fair approximation to a true (e.g. profile-based) falloff correction.
Regarding whites & blacks - they can't be adjusted locally, as you know, but you can kinda get the same effect by adjusting them globally, then using highlights and/or shadows sliders locally to compensate.
PS - I will be very surprised if face recognition is not in Lr6 (since there are signs of it in Lr5).