If your program is Photoshop Elements 11, you have posted in the wrong forum. You have posted in Adobe Premiere Elements Forum (video editing) and not Adobe Photoshop Elements Forum (photo editing). You can click on the following link and post your thread in the correct forum or wait for a moderator to see your thread here and then more it from here to there.
Wherever your thread ends up, details that might be helpful include:
What computer operating system is your Photoshop Elements 11 working on?
Are the problems confined to one particular Edit in Guided or to all in this issue related to the save of the Quick Edit?
A posting of the screenshot showing the "fractured picture icon" would be helpful? Another screenshot of the save dialog which ends with "fractured picture icon" might be worthwhile.
What are you using for the save, File Menu/Save As or other?
The Adobe Photoshop Elements Forum people should be able to guide you through the issue to a resolution.