Thanks for the reply greule. Here is the log.. Hopefully it will help.
Thanks again.
Lightroom Sync Diagnostic Log
Generated: 2014-05-12T15:29:40 -0400
App has been running for 51 seconds.
This information will be used by Adobe engineers to help diagnose the problem you are reporting.
Table of Contents
- Platform Description
- HTTP Client : ( unknown )
- HTTP Client : AgWFSyncModelsImp.lua
- HTTP Client Imp: WFHttpClientImp.lua
- Messaging Processors
- Activity Center UI
Platform Description
HTTP Client : ( unknown )
- connections:
- 1: uploadsRequested
- 2: uploadsDispatched
- 3: downloadsRequested
- 4: downloadsDispatched
- timings:
- 1: GET
- 2: PUT
- totalHttpTime: 0
HTTP Client : AgWFSyncModelsImp.lua
- connections:
- 1: uploadsRequested
- 2: uploadsDispatched
- 3: downloadsRequested
- 4: downloadsDispatched
- timings:
- 1: GET
- 2: PUT
- totalHttpTime: 0
HTTP Client Imp: WFHttpClientImp.lua
- counts:
- 1: GET
- 2: PUT
- timings:
- 1: GET
- 2: PUT
Messaging Processors
- AgWFSyncModelsImp.lua: GC size = 1798K (after GC = 1772K), peak size = 1798K
- WFDiagnosticLogImp.lua: GC size = 1228K (after GC = 1206K), peak size = 1228K
- WFHttpClientImp.lua: GC size = 1218K (after GC = 1217K), peak size = 1218K
- AgKSSystemNotificationsImp.lua: GC size = 1134K (after GC = 1131K), peak size = 1134K
- KSKeychainServiceImp.lua: GC size = 1133K (after GC = 1131K), peak size = 1133K
Activity Center UI
- loginDialog:
- navigateSteps: (empty table)
- ozTokens:
- deviceTokenForCatalogCalls:
- 1:
- result: (token redacted)
- status: data
- timeAtStart: 2014-05-12T15:28:54.730
- timeResolved: 2014-05-12T15:28:54.796
- timeSignaled: 2014-05-12T15:28:54.796
- 1:
- storeTokenCalls: (empty table)
- deviceTokenForCatalogCalls:
- serverStatus: (empty table)
- userInfo:
- daysRemainingInTrial: false
- hasValidConnectionToOz: false
- isSyncingUserInfo: false
- shouldSyncUserInfo: false