I am not sure you will be able to open it. However if you have access to the PDF you could try opening with Illustrator (if you do not own that product trials are available). If the PDF has multiple pages just (how I would do it) open page 1, then open the pdf and this time select page 2 etc., once all pages are open maybe go to the first one and create artboards that match however many pages the original pdf is and copy/paste into those art boards. Now with the original PDF if it was done on another system besides the one you will be using you may be missing fonts. Then when all is said and done and you have added your other pages save it as a PDF. Not %100 sure if this will all work but it gives you something to go by until someone more knowledgeable gives input. Good luck. - Edit: I forgot that you could also try using Acrobat to salvage your pdf, I just am not all that knowledgeable yet with it, sorry. Acrobat if you own and again there a re trials probably would be your best attempt first. Again good luck