Hello, I have a problem with a small code.
I'm doing a photo gallery in as3 to insert into my website, the problem is that my site is made in as2 and when I insert the gallery into website the up and down buttons don´t work. Someone could tell me how to modify this code ? I need the code in AS2. Thanks
stop ();
var arriba = Boolean;
var abajo = Boolean;
abajobtn.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, mover_abajo);
function mover_abajo (event:MouseEvent) :void {
abajo = true;
arribabtn.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, mover_arriba);
function mover_arriba (event:MouseEvent) :void {
arriba = true;
addEventListener (Event.ENTER_FRAME, mover);
function mover (event:Event) :void {
if (abajo == true) {
if (tiravip.y >= -965) {
tiravip.y -= 12;
if (arriba == true) {
if (tiravip.y <= 7) {
tiravip.y += 12;
abajobtn.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, detener_abajo);
function detener_abajo (event:MouseEvent) :void {
abajo = false;
arribabtn.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, detener_arriba);
function detener_arriba (event:MouseEvent) :void {
arriba = false;