Re: site doesn't display properly when viewed in Windows 8.1 and IE11
The following is what I see in IE11 on a Windows 8.1 system, no difference using Firefox, Chrome or Safari on the same system.
View ArticleRe: SCORM and Moodle problem
hi there,I upload SCORM to Moodle too, but as yet have not tried a quiz using Cap8. Not sure if this helps, but I always set my Quiz preference to SCORM 2004, rather than 1.2. I am not expert but when...
View Articlewhat is the programmed Logarithm or any other function for arc segment tool...
Hello Dears , If you please, i need to know the basic function which the arc segment tool options programmed and used in this ARC TOOLS AS IT IN PHOTO: I THINK THAT IS Logarithm FUNCTION SO I NED HELP...
View ArticleRe: Moodle > Captivate SCORM Package > Trackable in iPad?
Hi there,By "trackable" do you mean can it be viewed? If that's what you mean then, in theory, the answer is YES. Cap8 can save SCORM files in HTML5 format and that is viewable on iPads. I am...
View ArticleRe: Javascript does not work in web browser
Captivate just doesn't seem setup properly for Javascript integration. It allows you to call a javascript file, but that seems about it. I can't find any documentation on it on the Adobe site either....
View ArticleRe: Can folders' index.html contents avoid containing such folders' names...
Hello to all. I wonder if Adobe Dreamweaver has since implemented the requested feature change touched upon in this thread. At any rate I hope everyone's been having an enjoyable summer.
View ArticleRe: I am trying to download the Dreamweaver trial however I cannot access it...
hi clarkgg, What error you are getting ? Thanks!Kusha
View ArticleRe: How to edit smart preview images using external editors (PS, NIK, Topaz)...
No. The original source file is required for edits made with plugins like Topaz, Nik, etc. in Photoshop. I mean, OK, truth? - it's possible, if you know what you're doing (it's not supported by...
View Articlehelp Plan Creative Cloud
help, 2 days ago subscribed to @ for photographers (APR), received a letter by mail with the account number and all, photoshop and light room requesting some sirinya numbers to activate which I don't...
View ArticleRe: Audition Freeze on Start up
I've been speaking to Adobe support and we've narrowed it down to a problem with the graphics drivers. After replacing the updated nVidia drivers for my Quadro K600 with Microsoft's standard VGA...
View Articlecc desktop app crashs after language switch, cant be removed, cant be...
2nd big trouble after beeing in the for some weeks now.. I haven't seen the Adobe.forums in all the years as a customer so often before as I did in the last weeks.. What did happen? I have...
View ArticleRe: Fluid table
This (and similar) could be the cause<td colspan="3"> <input name="name" type="text" id="name" size="59"></td>
View ArticleRe: Download exe from "" and copy it to...
Hi,sorry, i mean "Adobe - Adobe Reader 下载 - 所有版本", adobe reader downloader
View ArticleRe: importing from phone..LR wants to import all my facebook freinds icons
I guess LR sees your device as a card reader and will attempt to import all images (usually in a DCIM folder) or from micro SD card if using expandable memory. There are a number of options: Import...
View ArticleRe: Collapsing Text in a Topic
hi, can we collapse paragraph or text without using DHTML?
View ArticleIllustrator CS6 最小ファイルサイズのPDFに変換しようとすると「不明なエラー」となる。
初めてこちらで質問させていただきます。よろしくおねがいします。 IllustratorCS6で、パンフレットを作りました。これをWEB表示用に保存しようとすると、「不明なエラー」というのが出てきてしまい、保存できませんでした。 ネットで調べてみたところ、新規のファイルを開き全てコピペしてから保存する方法が掲載されており、確かにその方法ではできました。...
View ArticleRe: SCORM and Moodle problem
Thanks for the reply. I have tried your solution but still it's not working. Yes; I have bullet lists in my file and they are aligned correctly. I have done other files in this style and they work...
View ArticleRe: Illustrator (from CS4) will not launch. *'Licensing for this product has...
I'm not sure.. but thanks. Will look into it. (Or I guess it's about time I moved up and paid for the cloud thingy when I need it. Later version, more bells n whistles. ha)
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