Re: General but very urgent question about After Effects...
So, it is currently possible to make games and apps using Adobe Flash Professional that can run on iOS? ...and of course Android too, right?
View ArticleAcquiring serial number
I bought Lightroom 5 from Staples online as a download version. I received 2 emails from them. One with the receipt and the other with the product key but no serial number was found. I did not...
View ArticleRe: I'm starting to get really peeved off!! I want to contact someone not go...
Since you don't tell us anything about your product or problem, all I can give you is
View ArticleRe: "setup has detected that you already have a more functional product...
You can either configure Chrome to use the Adobe Reader plugin, or use Internet Explorer. Firefox also uses its own (very bad!) PDF viewer.
View ArticleRe: 60D images not showing a thumbnail view in Bridge CS5..ideas?
Make sure your ACR (Adobe camera Raw) plug-in is fully updated. That camera model has been supported since Adobe Camera Raw 6.2. DO NOT rely on the Adobe auto updater to tell you that there are no...
View Articleswitching lightroom from windows to mac.
I have LR5 on my windows PC, having decided to try mac, I have downloaded a trial version, however when asked for the product serial number, the number I have for the windows version is not accepted.[I...
View ArticleRe: Acquiring serial number
Maybe they sent you a redemption code, that you have to convert to a serial number via an Adobe server?
View ArticleRe: How to avoid using pixel fractions in EPUB Fixed Layout.
>I did a quick scan through my epub css and did not find any fractional values. The fractional values would be on the xhtml. If you have a Fixed Layout Epub, I'm almost sure you have lots of...
View ArticleRe: Can't reinstall media encoder CC (Windows)
Hello. I can't download AME CC 2014. I am a new member on Creative Cloud and I've downloaded programmes all I need such as PS, AE, Premiere. However,AME CC 2014 is giving download error everytime I try...
View ArticleRe: Lightroom won't import .tif files
I am currently evaluating Lightroom after Apple decided not to support Aperture and have .tiffs from newspapers I photographed for years ago. Lightroom does not import many of my tiffs. If I go to...
View ArticleRe: The operation could not be completed"
Is your Photoshop CS6 fully updated to CS6 v. 13.0.6? What are your machine specs, etc. BOILERPLATE TEXT:If you give complete and detailed information about your setup and the issue at hand, such as...
View ArticleHow do I make the background of a photo one color and the object another color?
I have a photo of a windmill with the sky and clouds as background. I would like like to keep the clouds as is and change the color of the windmill. How can I do this?
View ArticlePhotoshop :: Can't Open Latest NEF Files From New D610
I Can't Open Latest NEF Files From New can't open naturaly in photoshop CS6.
View ArticleRe: Why JPEG - TIFF files in Bridge won´t open directly in Photoshop CC 2014?
You need to re-set your file associations at the OS level. It's not "Bridge's fault". Hope you know how to do that in your OS, as I don't do windows.
View ArticleRe: Unlimited uploads to Revel within 30 days
On my MacBook Pro I loaded Revel and then tried to upload photos from the shared folders on the MacBook where I store all my Lightroom 5 images.When I tried to do this I was able to load 2 photos...
View ArticleRe: How do I give PS more space on my Mac?
Long time since I have heard of a CF card. It was in my first compact camera. Anyway, I use a SD card to USB adaptor. They are inexpensive if the computer does not have a built in slot for them. Anyway...
View ArticleRe: Speed Grade Crashes when rendering
Thanks Neil. I do most of my editing in Avid. But I think I may take a look at using Premiere Pro on a project I don't have a tight deadline with. I do like the way in integrates with all of the...
View ArticleMedia Encoder CC 2014 download issue
Hello. I've downloaded programmes all I need but only AME CC 2014 is giving download error.Is there any alternate to download or what can I do?
View ArticleRe: Cannot open InDesign CC files in InDesign CC 2014
Same problem.. Why is it that 99% of these threads have NO SOLUTION, no answers.. Makes forums kind of useless and I can only blame Adobe for that...
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