help updating cs6 in windows 8
I try ad open a photo in cs6 and it locks up every time I can only open them from bridge sometimes. when i try and update CS6 in windows 8 i keep getting a error message.Here is what the message...
View ArticleConvertir un négatif en positif sur LR 5
Bonjour, existe-t-il un moyen de convertir un négatif en positif sur LR 5. J’ai effectué un shooting d’une pellicule Kodak TX-400, et je voudrais pouvoir travailler sur l’image inversée (positif,...
View ArticleRe: Convert many line paths into one shape?
Angelo, What happens if you create a copy Layer and then select everything and Object>Compound Path>Release (at least once) and then Pathfinder>Unite?
View ArticleCant get @font-face to work on my new web site
Hi everyone,I Cant get @font-face to work on my new web site.I tryed it before on other web sites and it worked just fine.Here is the code i am using:CSS:@charset "utf-8";@font-face...
View ArticleRe: Scrolling through PDF files is slow using Adobe Reader on MY MACBOOK pro...
mike is absolutely correct. This issue has NOT been fixed. Given the fact that it's been an issue for well over a year now, says plenty about Adobe's lack of concern and execution in the development of...
View ArticleBest Windows System for CS6
Hi,I am a fine art photographer using 36mg RAW files with final output being 40x50" prints. I probably will be doing color correction and processing in spurts every month or so; web browsing and a few...
View ArticleCannot Sign on to Revel from Elements 12
I own Elements 12. I get a message "There was an error contacting the server. Check your internet connection and try again" when I attempt to sign on. I can sign on to Revel on the internet and...
View ArticleRe: Photoshop Computer build.
You left the most important part out: exactly what type of layers do you work on? Dimensions, number of layers, 3-D? What do you do with them, etc.? All those details make a huge difference as to...
View ArticleRe: Flex 4 ButtonBar disable toggling off a button by the user, but allow it...
Thanks @Eearendil The Serb! That did it for me.theButtonBar.requireSelection=true;This prevents the same button in the ButtonBar that is selected - from deselecting!
View ArticleRe: How do I download RAW pictures from a Panasonic TZ60 into Elements, keeps...
I have Elements 12 how do I check the version of Camera Raw
View ArticleRe: How do I get a PDF form to show its content using Mac 10.9.3, Safari...
. . . and the answer to my original question posted is . . .?
View ArticleRe: How do I stop the BG and FG colours from switching at random?
Please don't double post. You have one reply in your identical duplicate thread.
View ArticleRe: I've just purchased creative cloud but the serial number doesn't work....
Yes I've purchased a creative cloud one year subscription from this site.To license each piece of software it asks for a serial number. The onlyserial number given doesn't work.
View ArticleRe: How do I get a PDF form to show its content using Mac 10.9.3, Safari...
Would appreciate explanation as to why my original posted question, which needs an answer, is only responded by noting that it is either a duplicate thread or has been moved to another forum by Adobe...
View ArticleRe: Elements 12 --> Lightroom 5: Tags-Import-Probleme
Hallound herzlichen DankIch habe etwas experimentiert.Bei DNG kann ich in Elements Personen markieren und alles speichern.Leider funktioniert das bei Lightroom 5 mit Elements 12 nach Import nicht ganz...
View ArticleRe: How do I download RAW pictures from a Panasonic TZ60 into Elements, keeps...
Thanks John Waller, just updated to 8.4 and can now download, just need to crack downloading into iPhoto now
View ArticleRe: Photo Merge Quality Issue
Luzzy wrote: I have managed to successfully merge together 2 photos. However, the resuting photo is nowhere near the quality of the originals and is also smaller. We need to know more about what you...
View ArticleRe: After install CS6 then open AI, It show "PARM" error,
$$$/_MBAR/Mnu showing in Menu Bar - IllustratorHints p.s. please mark helpful/correct responses.
View ArticleConvert directly a negative in positive on LR5
Hello, there is a way(means) to convert a negative in positive on LR 5. I made a shooting of a film Kodak TX-400, and I would want to be able to work on the inverted image (positive, thus). Thank you
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