Can i assign two licenses to a single email account
I have two community laptops and need to assign a license to each, can I use one email address as these machines are used when a designer is at a press check etc. Thanks
View ArticleDumb question. Why won't my audio files play in AE?
Suddenly, my audio files will not play in AE.
View ArticleRe: How to move a ai.file fra Mac to PC
ANd what exactly is the issue? You know, there is those cute little things called USB memory sticks.... Mylenium
View ArticleRe: Does CS6 raw image converter also support PowerShot G1X MKII raw images?
Thanks Jim and sorry for late reply. I bought CS6 and it is working perfectly in combination with the RAW images of the PowerShot G1X MKII.
View ArticleRe: My Creative Cloud Desktop application is blank?
Mosesparente which operating system are you using? If it is a variety of Windows then can you also indicate if you are using a 32-bit or 64-bit version of Windows?
View ArticleRe: speed up CFHTTP on CF10 (5000x slower than under CF8)
Since you're using GET in your cfhttp tag and you're not specifying no-cache anywhere or using other cache defeating techniques, could caching be a factor in your results? I use CFHTTP quite often in...
View ArticleAny ideas for reducing lag in my animation (flash cs6)?
I'm creating something for a local college in Flash CS6 and it lags in a couple spots (in the very beginning after clicking enter and after clicking on a location on the map) and it would obviously be...
View ArticleRe: Showing 1:1 pixel ratio in InDesign 9.2.2
This change is listed as a fix – Double-clicking Zoom Tool does not set view to Actual Size (100%). (#3656264) This is fine I guess as this makes it consistent with many other applications, but now...
View ArticleRe: Print a 8.5 x 5.5 document - two copies - same page on each sheet
I have the full Creative Cloud Suite - is there another program that would allow me to do this?
View ArticleRe: Excesive Media Encoder Encoding Time
YOu have not provided any useful technical info like sequence settings, com settings, render settings and what not, so nobody can say anything. Mylenium
View ArticleRe: render slow hd video proxy
I've also never edited offline with proxies before so this is the first time this has happened.. I'm only running internet.. no other software.. I don't have third party effects or codecs (not too sure...
View ArticleRe: Dumb question. Why won't my audio files play in AE?
You'll need to elaborate -- that's not much to go on.What KIND of audio files are these? Are they a different kind than you've used previously?Since AE has a tough time playing just about anything,...
View ArticleRe: Pressed wrong keyboard shortcuts, ruins colors, doesn't appear in history.
It could be your hitting Ctrl+Y (windows) or Command+Y (mac) for View>Proof Colors
View ArticleRe: statictext line break
Normally it should work, unless you didnt specify the static text to be multiline.That has to be done upon creation, in the 'properties' argument (last one): myStaticText = myPanel.add("statictext",...
View ArticleRe: Adobe Edge Inspect is not letting me connect more than one device
Sign in, activation, or connection errors | CC, CS6, CS5.5 FOr anything beyond that ask in the EIn forum. Mylenium
View ArticleLine Height shrinks when hovering over linked image
Last line of text (above footer) has a small blue LinkedIn Icon as an image link.20px line height shrinks when hovering over image. Any workarounds will be much appreciated....
View ArticleRe: Photomerge/HDR/Crop
It's a Photoshop question so you'll get the best results in that forum.
View ArticleLightroom update will not install
Had to uninstall LR 4.4 Re-installed LR 4.0 from disk. Attempt to update to v 4.4 from previously download file fails. Receive msg. that LR .exe file is not marked for update. Is it necessary to...
View ArticleRe: Bridge encountered a problem and is unable to read the cache. Please try...
Me TOO! This just started week ago, out of no where?
View ArticleRe: Object.create(parent) - to what degree does object oriented design work...
The javascript implementation in ExtendScript is quite old now (i think it is the so called "3rd edition" of ECMA standard, dating back to 1999) and all the new stuff that have been added since then...
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