Re: How do I resolve an error message that wont go away
Thanks Pat. I saw that told to others a year and more ago. I guess it still applies.However, I was not aware that I had installed the debugger. I will check.Thanks again.
View ArticleRe: XCode 5.1 updated and now I can't debug AIR apps on iOS Simulator anymore
Fortunately, that part isn’t true. A colleague made this app and had to use CS6 because of strange Flex embed issues in Flash Pro CC, and so we saw the email about missing icons. It’s not only in the...
View ArticleWhat's become of the oil paint filter?
I'm not sure what I expected when CC '14 came out the other day but suddenly having an entirely new version of PS installed wasn't exactly it. That's of no moment but I have to ask, where did Filter......
View ArticleRe: XCode 5.1 updated and now I can't debug AIR apps on iOS Simulator anymore
I have uploaded it today. And i did not get it rejected. However i did get the warnings in the application loader. But that did not stop uploading it. And yes, i had downloaded the AIR SDK for windows...
View ArticleRe: Н.264 NVIDIA (NVENC)
>H.264 NVIDIA (NVENC). format AVI H.264 will not work inside an AVI wrapper
View ArticleWhy use Lightroom if I'm currently using Photoshop Elements?
Have been using photoshop elements for a long time, but many (most?) nonprofessionals I know are using lightroom, sometimes in conjunction with photoshop suites. Is there a reason to add lightroom to...
View ArticleCC2014 New Audio Export Options
There are a number of additional export options in this new version. Some of the Dolby Digital options are similar to the ones in the Surcode surround encoder but are now available to stereo users. Is...
View ArticleRe: I accidentally deleted photo files, can I retrieve them?
With the assumption that out of 6000 files there are valuable or irreplaceable ones, the short answer is YES. If your pictures are irreplaceable then you need to avoid doing anything that will make...
View ArticleI keep getting the following message after I download a book and try to open...
I don't really know what to do. I download a book from my library and it then goes to my download folder in finder (I have a macbook pro). When I double click on the downloaded book to open, digital...
View ArticleHow to install a CS collection into another computer?
I uninstalled a master collection from one computer without first "deactivating" it and now it won't let me proceed to install it in the other computer because "I have reached the limit of...
View ArticleRe: Récupération de données ?
hemelle Just an add on to my post numbered 2. I think that John has misunderstood your question. So, please confirm I am interpreting your last question as "How can I get an export with the same...
View Articlepremiere pro cc 2014 will not open
just purchased premiere pro cc 2014. when I open, splash screen opens normally, select new file or open old file, once that process is completed, app immediately closes. Any help.
View ArticleRe: I want to convert my Blog post
Hi there, To convert a web page to PDF, you need Adobe Acrobat. You can download a free 30-day trial from, if you'd like to give it a whirl.Best,Sara
View ArticleRe: Lightroom 5.5 won't export to any external editors (using a Mac).
May be you should remove everything and install it again?...Sounds brutal, but who knowes? Good lack :-)
View ArticleLogo resizing
Hello. I'm having no luck at re-sizing my logo to fit social media profiles. I'm brand spanking new to Illustrator, so I'm hoping this isn't too difficult. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you.
View ArticleRe: Paragraph formatting?
How exactly did you convert the Word file to a PDF? Do you see this behaivour when opening the PDF on your computer, or on another device?
View ArticleRe: CC2014 is an entirely different installation of Premiere. Why?
I have cleaned up my drive as much as I dare. I had to leave Premiere Pro CS6 and Premiere Pro CC as well as After Effects CC and Speedgrade CC. I want to be able to use Premiere Pro and Speedgrade and...
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