Hi @boo radley 2013,
do you mean something like this?
// LayerPaste2anotherDoc.jsx // https://forums.adobe.com/thread/1496531 // regards pixxxelschubser var aDoc = app.activeDocument; var AllDocs = app.documents; var actLay = aDoc.activeLayer; if (AllDocs.length > 1) { var itemDoc = null; actLay.copy (); var win = new Window("dialog","Copy the active layer"); this.windowRef = win; win.Txt1 = win.add ("statictext", undefined, "Paste in which open document?"); win.NewList=win.add ("dropdownlist", undefined, AllDocs); win.NewList.selection = 0; itemDoc = win.NewList.selection.index; win.cancelBtn = win.add("button", undefined, "Abbruch"); win.quitBtn = win.add("button", undefined, "Ok"); win.defaultElement = win.quitBtn; win.cancelElement = win.cancelBtn; win.quitBtn.onClick = function() { win.close(); } win.NewList.onChange= function () { itemDoc = win.NewList.selection.index; return itemDoc; } win.show(); app.activeDocument = app.documents[itemDoc]; app.activeDocument.paste(); app.refresh(); } else { alert ("No other documents open") }
Have fun