How do I open a PSA file type in Photoshop Elements 12
How do I open a PSA file type in Photoshop Elements 12
View ArticleCaptivate 8 - Animated text stops part way through play
I have created a presentation with CAP8 and am finding the animated text does not play out in full, but stops part way animation to type and then on a new line same...
View ArticleRe: Captivate 6 SCORM 1.2 No Quiz
There's a lot of possible variety in the answer, but generally the settings show in the below screenshot should do what you need.Be sure you have the latest version of CP6 ( user will...
View ArticleRe: Creative Cloud pop up warning
Hi Jonathan,done. thank you. I'll let you know if that pesky popup bothers me again. :-) Have a great weekend! Stephen
View ArticleRe: How Do I Export Movie Clips?
This gets me to the correct place to do the export. However, I did not see how to select only a portion of the timeline to export.
View ArticleDeactivation of product after hard drive crashes
My hard drive crashed and I didn't have a chance to de-activate my Adobe photoshop Elements2.0after installing a new hard drive, installing windows 8.1, I began to re-install the software. I...
View ArticleRe: Re: Notifications Failed
Thank you. I agree about upgrading the viewer version. I was waiting for our readers to migrate to newer versions of iOS before we did that. Taking a quick look at the analytics, it looks they have....
View ArticleCan FrameMaker 7 and FrameMaker 12 be installed on the same computer?
My techcomm group hasn't updated Frame in a while, obviously. I'm the "guinea pig" to test how our docs work with the newest version of Frame. However, I still need to be able to work in and save...
View ArticleRe: Building phone app when tablet app already exists
The highest I can set it is I'm still getting a fail
View ArticleRe: Problem in adobe application manager
Perhaps an Adobe Sever was down try again see if it works now.
View ArticleRe: Opening my Adobe Illustrator CC App yields dimmed menus and files will...
I followed all of the steps recommended by numerous folks. I now have AI CC up and running. Thanks to you all.
View ArticleRe: I am unable to get Creative Cloud to start after I dsonwload and install it.
Mac Spinning Wheel in Windows
View ArticleRe: I need help to activate my subscription to InDesign
In general, we cannot help with that sort of problem, but are you getting an error message?
View Articlewon't let me download eBook to my Nook - says permission not granted
What do I need to do to download a book from the library that I have borrowed to my Nook device. Very frustrated. Keeps saying error - permission not authorized or something like that.
View ArticleRe: Can't get my Premiere Elements 11 to reinstall
frodron Thanks for the reply. Have you looked at the issues with and without the antivirus program disabled? Please go through some of the following troubleshooting steps in the blog post to determine...
View ArticleRe: Script to copy Layer/Group to another Open Document?
Hi @boo radley 2013, do you mean something like this? // LayerPaste2anotherDoc.jsx // // regards pixxxelschubser var aDoc = app.activeDocument; var AllDocs =...
View ArticleRe: Dreamweaver CS6 Crashes w/Find Feature
Actually I'm not worried about java so much, and it is Java not Javascript, but you just simply have to go download it from oracle instead of relying on Apple to keep you updated.What I'm worried about...
View ArticleRe: CC Membership Help
Change Account may helporCancel the Cloud may help
View Articlewo finde ich einen PS CS6 download Link
Ich habe eine gültige Lizenz für PS CS6, habe nun einen neuen PC und will es dort wieder installieren, finde aber keinen Link für den Download der funktioniert. Wie muss ich vorgehen?
View ArticleRe: Before proceeding you must first launch Adobe Acrobat and accept the End...
Et si tu ouvres Acrobat (ou Adobe Reader) et que tu acceptes le contrat de licence de l'utilisateur final, que se passe t'il ?
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