我已訂閱Acrobat Pro XI一年使用期,可是我安裝完程式後需要序號完成啟動,我依提示連到「http://licensing.adobe.com/」,網頁顯示「Adobe Licensing Web SiteAdobe does not recognize you as an authorized user of this web site. Please contact Adobe for...
View ArticleRe: Muse Site Extremely Slow
I'm finding that since the last update (CC 2014) not only is the application slow, but the live sites are running slow - particularly image loads. It's embarrassing and I hope it's fixed asap. Here's...
View ArticleRe: I can't read Nikon D5200 Raw NEF files with CS6 under Windows 8.1?
First, I hadto load the most recent version of the Adobe Application Manager. Then I could see all of the CS6 Updates including the most recent Camera Raw update. I had to run one update at a time...
View ArticleUrgent! Camera Raw Version Problem
I use Adobe creative suite 5, I want to open canon eos 5D Mark III's raw file ,but I only have Camera Raw 5.05,How can I open it?Thx!
View ArticleRe: Why will PSE 12 no longer start after fresh installation?
Hi Barbara,I gave the story a few days ago, but I don't know how to reconnect to that thread. After about 90 days of running on a new Dell Win 7 system, PSE 12 reverted to the trial version. I got...
View ArticleHow to time the beat of the music to the door opening transition in a slide show
How do you time the beat of the music to the door opening transition in a photo slide show?
View ArticleLiquid render questions
Question: Global parameter changes etc.Hey guys, what is the current structure for global variables etc? {{global.site.id}} in the first Liquid implementation no longer renders I was wondering what...
View ArticleRe: Setup document for Right Hand Binding in UK English CS6.
Procedure for JavaScript fix. Copy the following code: app.documents[0].documentPreferences.pageBinding = app.documents[0].documentPreferences.pageBinding == PageBindingOptions.LEFT_TO_RIGHT ?...
View ArticleRe: Getting "waiting for connection" message in Lightroom 5.5 sync to mobile
yep, I have the same issue. LRd just says Waiting for connection. I'm also a little disappointed that the 24/7 help/chat is close ?!? So I turn to the forum where it seems that a lot of people have the...
View ArticleRe: Captivate 8 - Javascript does not work in runtime
Hi Rscharfer, As the alert dialog box for HTML5 captivate is not modal, the javascript will not pause after executing the first alert, hence what is happening in your case is that all the three alerts...
View ArticleRe: Use the text from Edittext as layer name?
Should be as simple as setting an onClick for the okDialog button to send the value to a variable or use the value straight away. var myVal; okDialog.onClick = function(){ myVal =...
View ArticleRe: How to time the beat of the music to the door opening transition in a...
Make an edit point on the beat from your footage ( clips) first ..and then apply the transitions to the edit poinst. You are trying to work backwards by aplying transitions before you have made your...
View ArticleRe: With PS 7 create new Place two objects on the new file then you may cut...
Are you using File>Place in photoshop cs2? Can you post a screenshot?
View ArticleRe: muse
FTP接続についての情報の控えはお持ちですよね。すでに回答済みのスレッドがあるのでご覧ください。 Muse CC 2014のFTPホストにアップロードについて それから、このスペースはCreative Cloudについての質問をするスペースです。Museのご質問はMuseのスペースにて投稿していただくことで担当者の目に触れるようになります。 Muse Japanese
View ArticleRe: Dashed Line Setting Not Working
This happened with me. It appears I had a rounded brush selected rather than the basic brush. It seems the rounded brush doesn't do dotted lines.
View ArticleRe: how can i edit in photoshop elements 10 ?
When you reply to Barbara's questions, please also fix your keyboard that is stuck on capital letters. You need to press the <CAPS LOCK> key once so that it starts using normal letters once again.
View ArticleRe: How to change the order of two sets of words
the lines had other restrictions like "Construction of Airport of San Francisco: new towers", or "Recovery of Dock X: quay number 2",so I ended up using several commands of GREP, e.g. FIND...
View ArticleRe: How do make Premiere Pro CC always show safe margins?
Are you saying they toggle them selves off? When does this occur?
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