Re: Can't watch videos!
I was using Firefox, but then it stopped opening; now I can't download it again successfully to utilize, because I actually like Firefox better. Chrome won't open as well. It's not just YouTube, but...
View ArticleLr5内のレンズプロファイル設定項目の一部レンズにバグ?
Lightroom5(Ver.5.6 日本語版)で画像編集中に気づいたのですが、トキナーレンズ魚眼ズームレンズ AT-X 107 DX Fisheye 10-17mm...
View ArticleTrial version of Illustrator CC 2014 takes over my CS6 old version and forces...
Trial version of Illustrator CC 2014 takes over my CS6 old version and forces me to use CC 2014 on launch. How to fix? FIle> get info>won't let me choose >Open this file with CS6. Forces me to...
View ArticleDell Laptop Problems
I bought my Laptop off Dell and according to Dell Digital Delivery my Adobe elements is installing but it's been two days now and has yet to be completed. How can I easily install this software to my...
View ArticleRegistration and updating issues with Adobe Creative Suite 3 - Design Standard
I have just reinstalled Creative Suite 3 Design Standard after experiencing some difficulties - namely I couldn't update the program and in fact haven't been able to for more than a yr. As this was...
View ArticleRe: Adobe QT 32 Server is Not Responding in Premiere CC
(It seems these forums won't let me post large amounts of text for some reason! - Keep getting m5 error!)
View ArticleRe: why can't I see a file sent to me in acrobat
How did it get sent? Normally you would receive files from others by e-mail, though PDFs have to be properly encoded when sent by e-mail.
View ArticleRe: I just renewed for a year and now it is telling me I will be billed and...
I would suggest the Adobe Chat. You can also call Adobe.
View ArticleI have a problem with the cloud, download the trial version of 2014 cc...
I have a problem with the cloud, download the trial version of 2014 cc illustrator creative cloud, uninstall it and I can not install it again
View Articlekuler swatch import into muse
has this functionality been added to muse yet? If not, its a bloody pain in the arse...when is it going to be possible to do this?
View ArticleRe: Acrobat X Pro (standalone) Won't Start
It may be related to where you got AA X. So where did you get it? Adobe and distributors have not sold it for over a year and you may not have a valid copy.
View ArticleRe: adobe acrobat standard 11 will not stay installed windows 7
Did you ever succeed with the install and use the product? Were you logged in as the administrator and have anti-virus disabled for the install.
View ArticleRe: Deactivation / Activation Photoshop Elements 12
Thanks for the reply, especially for the customer chat link (it is down for the weekend but I can try after). As I noted in my question there is no deactivate option or tab in my PSE help menu nor can...
View ArticleRe: I have no question. The only reason I am using this is because there is...
dude, fair is fair....without some kind of specific information, what you are complaining about right now must be regarded as nothing more than spam and trolling. Give us specifics so someone can help...
View ArticleInstallation Failed Download error. Error (-55),How to solve?
As above subject.Please help..
View ArticleRe: tengo premiere pro cc y no le puedo poner los Modelos de análisis de voz...
Yo tengo el mismo problema que signica lo que se respondio?
View ArticleRe: Is Creative Cloud and Adobe Acrobat Pro 10 Compatible with Microsoft...
Not Office 2013. That requires AA XI, updated (not even 11.0.0 works with Office 2013 which cam out after AA XI).
View ArticleRe: How convert a color PDF File to black & white (gray color)
Sounds great, but when I get to the part about Output Intent, I'm unable to select the checkbox. It's greyed out. Is there something else I need to do in order to activate that check box? Thanks!
View ArticleRe: Adobe server has been hacked?
Well I guess it really depends on when this dedicated email address for the account was created. If you remember you had a really serious security breach (hacked) where account and credit card details...
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