when i sign in on CC desktop it says "you've been signed out - please sign in...
Any ideas how i can sign in?
View ArticleThe Difference Between?
Ok so I believe I know the answer here but asking anyway. What is the difference between the adobe creative cloud team license vs the adobe creative cloud enterprise license?is the team licence...
View ArticleRe: Captivate Quiz locks when using Back button then going forward...
Check your Quiz > Settings > Required option. Set it to Optional if it's not already set that way. That might fix the navigation issue.
View ArticleRe: Efficient, repetitive insertion of anchored objects
Thank you for the reply. I've taken 5 screenshots to illustrate what's happening:#1 is shows the text insertion point in the chapter graphic style between the chapter heading and the first paragraph:...
View Articleuploaded good on the computer but on the smartphones i can hear only the...
i uploaded file from cs6 to youtube with the presert, everything good on the computer but on the smartphones i can hear only the music chanel and the talking on the other chanel cant hear
View ArticleRe: Re: Style name tag
Hi, Here you are: var mydoc = app.activeDocument, pstyles = mydoc.allParagraphStyles, cont, myResults, txfm, cstyles = mydoc.allCharacterStyles, mParaOSt =...
View ArticleRe: What's required to get small caps to an epub? (Frame 12)
Arnis, I don't suppose there is one location to look up all the discrepancies? I do know that I've read ebooks on my Nook which have a background header. Any idea where I'd go look this up?...
View ArticleRe: Tracke Matte Animation Kaputt after Recent Update
How soon is shortly. I faced considerable emabarrasment with a client when a track matte I had set up would not wok in his presence. It made me look incompetent. This really is something that should...
View ArticleRe: When I turn documents in Adobe Reader that are upside down to correct...
In Adobe Acrobat you can rotate the pages. In Adobe Reader you can chnage only the current view.
View ArticleRe: Encore CS 4 - Converting project from HD to DVD
Meaning dual layer - otherwise I would be looking at hours of re-encoding and authoring.
View ArticleProblems with Online SDK Documentation
For the last few weeks, I've had problems accessing the online SDK documentation. Here is how to reproduce it: Go to the Acrobat SDK page (Adobe - Acrobat Developer Center | Adobe Developer Connection)...
View ArticleRe: how do I add Captcha without doing it through business catalyst?
Coffeecup webform builder is neat, easy to use, cost effective, and has a captcha system. Their fees are very low, and keeps things automated.
View ArticleRe: Captivate Quiz locks when using Back button then going forward...
The quiz is already set to Optional unfortunately. I have tried to fix the issue by checking for the cpQuizInfoPassFail variable OR the cpQuizInfoAttempts variable < 3 and then enabling the Next...
View ArticleHow do I change the tab name in the browser-- in the Muse program?
I just launched a temporary site from Muse. When I view the page, at the top in the tab it still says "home katie's cafe." I can't seem to change that. Can you help me?
View ArticleRe: Framemaker to Word (not to RTF)
Looks like your posting got cut-off. AFAIK, there is no direct FM to Word (do you mean the current .docx format - there are many different versions of Word binary formats) tool. What's wrong with a FM...
View ArticleRe: Why am I getting '500 Internal server error' after installing CF 10?
Will do, Anit. Thank you very much. Best regards, Chung Lee
View ArticleRe: Preview Button!!!!
I don't know if acr 8.5 is to blame for the print issue (sounds weird since, as you say, ACR is not running PSCC, but who knows). But I wanted to remind that since the latest CC update, we can also...
View ArticleRe: Issues adding Edge Animate file to HTML document
No errors in Chrome with the .oam, just the empty <aside> area.Adding the <div> and Script/Styles at the head worked perfectly in IE, but, though it was visible on Firefox and Chrome, it...
View ArticleRe: Picture sizes in Muse
Assuming you are starting with a hi res image (i.e over 4000 pixels wide/high), resize the image in Photoshop (Image > Image size). This will give you a much better result than resizing in Muse....
View ArticleRe: authorizing computer with ID after authorization without ID?
Seems the account from which you purchased this ebook and the one associated with ADE are two different accounts due which you are getting this error. You need to contact the ebook vendor and ask them...
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