Re: Accents and glyphs for Polish conversion
Hi David I'm using a PC - what's the shortcut for doing this?
View Articlej'ai installé photoshop elements 12. les vidéo de démonstration sont en...
j'ai installé photoshop elements 12. les vidéo de démonstration sont en anglais, comment avoir la version en français ?
View ArticleRe: Receive an A12E1 Error Code when trying to update Photoshop CC. Running...
Thanks for your help. Just because your a Windows user, your not all bad.
View ArticlePhotoshop CS6 - JPEG so ändern, dass 1x 300dpi / 1MB und 1x 300dpi / 500kb...
Ich hoffe durch meine Headline des Hilfethemas ist alles gesagt. GrußPaul
View ArticleRe: 間違えてアンインストールしてしまった
Creative Cloud自体何度もインストールは可能ですよーMacを使用していてゴミ箱に捨ててしまったら下記のようなツールもありますしご安心くださいーインストールトラブル用の CS Cleaner Tool(Creative Cloud | Creative Suite 3/4/5.x/6)
View ArticleRe: Acces function window.resize
Hi, A demo file can be downloaded here: apply Edge API: setVariable
View ArticleRe: How to avoid darker color behind a gaussian blur effect?
Same thing happens when I make and print from pdf (PDF/X 1:a2001). I will check out the printer settings. I have asked my printer to try one of their huge laser printers to see what happens. Waiting...
View ArticleRe: Mac cs3 アンインストール時にコンポーネントの削除ができない。
CS3がMac10.8に対応をしていないのでご作動をしているのだと思いわれます。下記の手順をしてあげたほうが良いと思われますー以前のバージョンを含むすべての Adobe アプリケーションを削除し Creative Suite 6 を再インストールする(Mac OS)
View ArticleRe: Bad FTP in Dreamweaver CS6
Well, I did. At home, office: different providers, routers: always the 'Waiting for server message’, whatever I tried :-(
View ArticleRe: Receive "Damaged File" error when trying to open a fillable form from...
Hello,The PDF is a fillable form that was created in Adobe LiveCycle. It is a rather large file (1800 kb). It lives (was uploaded) on our internal website, which is WordPress. It is accessed as a link....
View ArticleBug: Menu (file, edit, page...) flickers on rollover
I made a large update from version 6 to currently version 7.4.30 and now my menu in Muse flickers. It seems like muse thinks I've rolled over "edit" 4 or 5 times in rapid succession. Is there anything...
View ArticleRe: Can I import my Frontpage sites into Dreamweaver?
The green star on each post is a little confusing, but it's meant to allow you to mark THAT particular post as the correct answer by clicking on it. As soon as you do that, the green stars will all go...
View ArticleRe: Re: キーフレームのショートカットがアドビのサイトの情報と違う
キーボードはどのようなタイプをご使用でしょうか?Apple 純正のキーボードなのか、MacBookなどのノートパソコンなのか。 私のMacBookProの環境では、キーフレームを選択後、「Option+右向き矢印または Option+左向き矢印」でキーフレームを前後に1フレーム移動させることができています。 「fn+上向き矢印または下向き矢印」だと、タイムカーソルが移動します。
View ArticleRe: Lightroom won't open Import dialog box
Do you have any type of phone/tablet plugged in when this is happening? If so, and you unplug it, does it work?
View ArticleRe: DPS Reading Api: GetArticlePosition() return incorrect article index
Found the solution... the FolioOverlay had a "AutoPlay" specified to be 0 seconds.If i change this values to 1 second the indexes are displayed correctly. I guess there might be a bug in the api...
View ArticleRe: How do I combine individual video demonstrations into one comprehensive...
I understand--yes, it seems I'll have to turn to a different editing program to accomplish this. On Adobe's "Help" website, it seems to say you can insert video demonstrations in CPTX files with C7,...
View ArticleRe: DW 6 Version 12.0 won't update to version 12.03
You can also try right clicking on the Adobe Dreamweaver application file itself, choose Get Info > Version. It should show the full 12.0.3 version number there since you're updated to build 5861.
View ArticleRe: Encore CS 4 - Converting project from HD to DVD
Trying to avoid if possible- I have heard that dual layer discs can act fussy during playback when burned. Might be the only option.
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