Re: Cannot initialize photoshop scratch disks are full
OK, Photoshop 7 is too old to correctly use volumes over 1 TB (because the APIs available back then couldn't handle large disks, and there weren't many available to test).I think it was Photoshop CS or...
View ArticleRe: Can't Find Serial Number for Creative Suite 5.5 Production Premium...
Hello,you can have a look there: "Telephone numbers of customer service and technical support Adobe worldwide" >>>Adobe - Adobe worldwide customer support and technical support phone...
View ArticleRe: how to populate excel data to acrobat drop down list
I have tried but the list can be populated is less than 100. How to have more? Thanks.
View ArticleRe: Scrolling through PDF files is slow using Adobe Reader on MY MACBOOK pro...
Using a MacBook Pro Retina with 10.9 - Acrobat Pro has some good relatively new capabilities, however scrolling is terrible. Slow and jumpy - Preview works fine, both smooth and fast as do all other...
View ArticleRe: Unowned UID - error message
Please send me the file at with my name and this forum link.Also include the information about your last action that you took in the file after which you are receiving the error....
View ArticleCamera raw
I cant instal camera raw...I have CS 7...I have tried everything...please help me...
View ArticleAE関連の小ネタ
AE関連の小ネタを紹介します。 シンプルで軽いコンポジションを作るときのコツを、きれいにまとめてくれています。地獄というより、天国に行っちゃいそうですね。 After Effectsの作業スピードを上げるコンポジションの組み方 - コンポジター地獄行き! もうひとつは、AE CC とAE CC...
View ArticleRe: Logiciel Lightroom 5 de W8 à iMAC
Bonjour Laurent,J'ai eu moi-même beaucoup de mal à m'y retrouver dans le support Adobe mais actuellement les choses semblent s'être nettement améliorées.Tu dois utiliser leur formulaire. Voici déjà la...
View ArticleRe: Re: Re: Find multi layer names and alert
Hi Chinna, Your code running super, catching names correct, but one minor error if layers more than 4 also code is exporting PDF. Steve
View ArticleI am using PP 2014 to edit AVC-Intra 100M 1080i50 and the audio keeps...
the audio comes back as soon as I stop and start the timeline. HP Z600W7 Ultimate
View ArticleCreating pdf from fdf in browser stopped working
Hi! We have a webstore and we send info to fdf file which then opens as PDF file in the browser window. This worked for a long time but few weeks ago the PDF began opening with empty fields. Any idea...
View ArticleIssues finding Creative Cloud folder & Can't sync
Hi there, I have installed the free trial of creative cloud and for some reason I can't seem to find the creative cloud folder on my mac. Where is the default location?? And when I open the CC window...
View ArticleAdobe Reader Printing first page miniature - rest fine
Hi,Currently running Reader 11.0.07 and am having a printing issue similar to the below known issue in Reader X."Xerox printers shrink page content to 1/10 or 1/20 of the original size, and print the...
View ArticleRe: Re: Re: Re: Find multi layer names and alert
Hi Steve, Try now. Array.prototype.contains = function(k) { for(var i=0; i < this.length; i++) { if(this[i] === k) { return true; } } return false; } var...
View ArticleI bought a pdf book last year and had no problem reading it for a few months...
I bought a pdf book last year and had no problem reading it for a few months then all of a sudden I could no longer open it and to this day. Any other pdf download off internet I can still open and...
View ArticleRe: Re: Is that possible to write a script for export underline text to PDF?
Hi HarveyLiu, Does this you ask? It will export the pages which have underlined text. var doc = app.documents; app.findTextPreferences = null; app.findTextPreferences.underline = true; for(var...
View ArticleRe: New motorcycle
New MC day is always a great day. Congrats. Cool choice. Its like new guitar day, New Car day etc.. Please , tail racks or carriers and "lights..on such a classic. Take stuff off..not add...
View ArticleRe: Please tell me your team of brilliant developers didn't leave out...
Hi jcthompson, Can you Select "Generate Project backup' under Preferences:General Settings? Thanks,Sankaram.
View ArticleRe: Hello, I'm new to designing and I came across a poster and loved the...
That's a simple 3D-rendering effect in a 3D-Program or Photoshop - the sides of the extrusions have been flipped to face inside, hence the somewhat abstract look of the otherwise simply transparent...
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